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21 Day Challenge Back & Posture
$0.00 3 Sections 21 Lessons

This 21 day challenge focuses on the back and postural muscles. These muscles are often under activated and rarely trained properly. When muscles are weak, your body will compensate by forming bad movement habits and using the over activated muscles. This means you need to be doing correct exercises with proper form and CONSISTENT activation to see changes and alleviate back pain. 

For these workouts, you will need several pairs of dumbbells. I suggest light weights (5-8 lbs), medium weights (8-10 lbs), and heavier weights (12-20 lbs). This will help you effectively challenge each muscle group. I also suggest having light-medium resistance bands. These can be the type with handles or the long strips of rubber. 

I have added in some rest days throughout the 21 days. Use these days to work other body parts, or you can use these as make--up days if you're fallen behind in the challenge.